Jam #5 Review
Jam #5 was a tough one for a bunch of us. I had been dealing with a splitting, vomit-inducing headache all week, Brant was just getting over one, our incredible sound man, Geoff was so stuffed up he could barely breathe… but the show must go on. So many great musicians made it all well worth it. We saw a drummer step from behind the kit and sing his first public song ever, in order to support his girl. And he nailed it! Two phenomenal Metallica performances; both unrehearsed. So great when that feeling kicks in: you know the song, you trust the others know the song, and you just rip into it! I have to give a shout out to a new member, Michael Cain. He stepped in and saved a couple songs, when another who had signed up didn’t show. And these weren’t easy asks on guitar. “Hey, Mike! Do you also know Walk, by Pantera?”
“I can kind of remember how it goes,” he said. “By the time it comes up in the set, I’ll know it.” Dude had the solo down perfectly. Incredible.
We added 3 new members, who all had so much fun, they each said they would definitely be back again. I just love seeing this community grow. Spread the word, people! You’re a part of something.
~ John
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Here are the set lists as they played out last night